Patent filing in Chile:

All you need to know about Chile patent office


Patent filing
in Chile:

All you need to know


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Building a strong patent portfolio starts with your filing strategy. For patent filing in Chile, you need to know the local patent office requirements. This guide will take you through all filing requirements and important stats in Chile.

Chile patent filing requirements

When conducting a PCT national phase patent filing in Chile, you must submit the following documents: 

      • Applicant’s full particulars (name, address). If these data are different from the ones that appear in the PCT publication, the form PCT/IB/306 should be submitted.  
      • Inventor’s full particulars (name, address). If these data are different from the ones that appear in the PCT publication, the form PCT/IB/306 should be submitted.  
      • Title of the invention.  
      • A Spanish description of the invention with claims and drawings. 
      • An abstract. 
      • Details of the deposit of Biological Material, if applicable. 
      • Sequence listing, if applicable. 

    For direct (Paris Convention) filings only 

      • A certified copy of the Priority Document is required three (3) months after filing. A simple Spanish translation thereof is also required. 
      • A simple copy of the Assignment Document is required three (3) months after filing. A simple Spanish translation thereof is also required. 

      Chile translation requirements

      Even though Spanish translation is mandatory, an English version may be submitted with patent filing in Chile. The entire Spanish translation must then be submitted up to 30 days after filing. 

      For direct filings, simple Spanish translation of priority documents and assignments must be filed three (3) months after filing. 

      Term for filing

      In Chile, the national phase of a PCT application should be filed before or during a period of 30 months from the priority date. 

      Patent term, grant, and maintenance

      If the application meets the patentability requirements, the INAPI (local patent office in Chile) will issue the resolution granting the industrial property right. Once the application is accepted, there is a 60-working-day period to pay the final registration fees. Failure to pay these fees will result in the abandonment of the application. 

      Finally, INAPI will issue the Official Certificate of Registration upon payment of the corresponding maintenance fee, which are five years of protection (quinquennium) for designs and utility models, and ten years of protection (decennium) for patents. 

      If the patent or utility model application had no oppositions, it may take between 3 to 5 years to be granted. On the other hand, depending on the complexity of the case (e.g., multiple objections, oppositions, rejections, appeals, etc.) and the technical field of the invention, it may take even longer. 

      Terms for requesting examination

      After the application is duly filed, the INAPI will perform a Preliminary Examination to verify that the corresponding documents have been filed according to the type of application, and that it meets the minimum formal requirements to continue its prosecution. The examiner may or may not raise observations to the application. 

      In case there are observations, the applicant must respond within 60 working days, making the necessary amendments, clarifications, or filing required additional documentation. Failure to respond to the examiner’s observations within the established period will result in that the application will be considered as “not filed”. 

      In case there are no observations, or a response was timely filed, the application will be accepted for continuing its prosecution and will be published in the Official Gazette upon payment of publication fees within 60 working days from the date of acceptance. 

      Once the application is published in the Official Gazette, third parties can file oppositions for 45 working days. 

      Regardless of filing an opposition, INAPI will require the payment of examination fees within 60 working days from the deadline to file oppositions, to conduct a Substantive Examination. 

      Once this fee is paid, INAPI will appoint an expert on the matter of the patent, who will issue an expert report (official action) within 60 working days from the date of his/her appointment as expert of the case. 

      Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)

      The PPH (Patent Prosecution Highway) is a procedure that speeds up the processing of a patent application, based on the favorable result obtained in a foreign office, with which a cooperation agreement has been reached. 

      PPH is available in Chile through the following agreements: 

      • PROSUR (Latin America) 
      • ALIANZA DEL PACIFICO (Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Chile).  
      • China 
      • Under the Global Patent Prosecution Highway (Global PPH) pilot, a request for accelerated processing can be made in Chile. 


      The fees for the first 10 years of protection for patents, 5 years of protection for utility models and 5 years of protection for industrial designs are included in the grant fees. For the renewal fees (10 years for patents, 5 years for utility models and 10 years for industrial designs), it is possible to choose one of the following options:

      1) Pay the second decade/five-years of maintenance fees at once, or

      2) pay the maintenance fees in annual installments. 

      Local patent office

      For patent filing in Chile, you must address the local office: Chile’s patent office is the National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI).   

      Their website is:  


      Reinstatement of rights

      If the time limit for the national phase entry has expired, the applicant may file a request for the reinstatement of the priority right, if they prove that failure to meet the deadline was not intentional or occurred despite due diligence. Such request must tell the reasons for the failure to comply with the time limit, provide evidence and pay the corresponding fee. Payment may be made within 5 working days from the date of filing of the application. 

      For pending application, if the applicant does not comply with any requirement made by INAPI, other than those required in the preliminary examination, the application shall be considered abandoned. Notwithstanding the above, the applicant may request the revival of the application if they meet the processing requirements within the following 45 days as from the expiration of the original term that gave rise to the abandonment, without losing the right of priority. Upon expiration of the 45-day term, if the applicant has not corrected the errors or omissions, the application shall be considered as definitively abandoned. 

      Chile Patent Statistics


      In 2022, Chile experienced a rise in non-resident filings, making up 88% of total submissions. Despite a dip in resident filings, the overall growth was modest at 1.8%. The sustained preference for the PCT route emphasizes Chile’s increasing appeal for international innovation, driven by a positive economic environment, strong IP protection, and a dynamic startup ecosystem.


      China and the UK have emerged as major contenders in Chile’s non-resident patent landscape; their filings skyrocketing 83% and 59% respectively since 2020. This surge propelled China past Japan, jumping from #8 to #5 in just two years. This growth outpaced established players like Germany, whose share has declined. The rest of the world witnessed relatively flat or moderate growth.


      Get familiar with each country's specific filing requirements beforehand with the ultimate filing guide in USA + LATAM's top 7 countries, featuring:

      Patent and translation requirements

      Term for filing

      Patent term, grant, and maintenance

      Terms for requesting examination

      Annuity due dates

      and more...
